[liberationtech] NotInMyCountry.org: Website Aims to Stop Corruption at All 34 Universities in Uganda

Vasili Arkhipov arkhipov at notinmycountry.org
Sat May 26 03:33:04 PDT 2012


NotInMyCountry.org <https://www.notinmycountry.org/>: Website Aims to Stop
Corruption at All 34 Universities in Uganda

Featured in the Wall Street Journal's Corruption Currents

On Thursday, a new anti-corruption website launched in Uganda* that* seeks
to reduce corruption at universities. The website,
empowers students to publicise wrongdoing committed by university staff
members. Students can anonymously and securely (1) rate the job performance
of their lecturers and administrators and (2) report them for corruption.*
Recent surveys have shown that

   - 22% of students at Uganda's largest and most prestigious university
   (Makerere) have been asked by lecturers and administrators to engage in
   some form of corruption, such as providing sex, money, and even alcohol in
   exchange for passing marks or simply to have paperwork processed;
   - 29% of lecturers have poor class attendance;
   - 24% of students do not report corruption because they think doing so
   will solve nothing; and
   - 23% of students do not report corruption for fear of possible

NotInMyCountry.org <https://www.notinmycountry.org/> seeks (a) to remove
that fear, which university students often feel when they want to report or
complain about an incident of corruption, and (b) to show that reporting
corruption can produce positive results.
NotInMyCountry.org<https://www.notinmycountry.org/> has
therefore created a safe, secure, and anonymous space online where students
can attack the two main problems of (1) poor performance (quiet
and (2) coercion of students for money, sex, alcohol, and other favours (hard
corruption <https://www.notinmycountry.org/faq#hard-corruption>) by holding
corrupt individuals at their universities to account. The information that
NotInMyCountry.org <https://www.notinmycountry.org/> gathers will publicly
punish those who engage in corrupt activities and at the same time reward
those who excel at their positions and who work hard not to break the
public trust. What’s different about
NotInMyCountry.org<https://www.notinmycountry.org/>is that we put the
spotlight on individuals.
*For more information, see our FAQ
<https://www.notinmycountry.org/faq>, Facebook
Page <https://www.facebook.com/notinmycountry.org>, Facebook
and Twitter Page <https://twitter.com/#!/nmcountry>.


*Drupal Web Developer / PHP Programmer / Linux Systems Administrator
NotInMyCountry is a small non-profit organization addressing human rights
issues in Africa.  We seek a full-time Drupal web developer for
a 3 ½ month project to begin immediately.  Applicants must be proficient in
PHP and have Linux systems administration experience.
The selected candidate will be responsible for designing, coding, and
changes to an existing Drupal-based website.  Applicants must be willing to
relocate to a developing country in Africa for the project period.

 We will disclose the name of the specific country and more details about
the project to applicants who qualify for interviews.  Applicants should
have an interest in human rights and social justice.  The selected
candidate may be offered a permanent position at the end of the project

Project period

As soon as possible through 3 ½ months after start date.

Required experience:

Linux systems administration (console)
Drupal CMS (version 6 or 7)
PHP programming language

Preferred experience:

Graphic design skills are a huge plus
Android application development experience is also a huge plus

How to Apply
Please email your CV/resume and two references who can vouch for your
experience in each of the proficiency areas listed above to
arkhipov at notinmycountry.org
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