[liberationtech] FB-like "Twitter-connect" soon. How can we avoid all this tracking?

Lee Fisher blibbet at gmail.com
Fri May 25 15:04:53 PDT 2012

> Yeah, just an independent review isn't sufficient because a site like
> CNET doesn't have the time or the technical ability, quite frankly, to
> understand the problem space or determine whether or not you're doing
> the right thing.  Also, without source access, even if they had the time
> and the expertise, they couldn't tell.  Furthermore, a one-time review
> isn't sufficient, because every time the code changes, without
> visibility, we can't tell what changed.

CNet can't be trusted for topics like this[1]. They take closed-source 
freeware/shareware binaries -- as well as open source-based freeware -- 
and wrap them in their own spammy/malware-infested installers. So CNet 
can't be trusted to make an opinion about closed source -vs- open source 
freeware binaries.

So, trust you, and trust CNet. No thanks, I'd rather trust the source 
code, please. Why keep it closed, what are you hiding? :-)

[1] http://seclists.org/nmap-hackers/2011/5

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