[liberationtech] FB-like "Twitter-connect" soon. How can we avoid all this tracking?

The Dod unclezzzen at gmail.com
Fri May 25 06:14:06 PDT 2012

Heise's SocialSharePrivacy is mighty cool. I like the gui concept.

I also like the concept and logo of +2. Brilliant basis for an awareness 

I see there's also a github mirror 
<https://github.com/tinnet/socialshareprivacy> so I can try and do an 
English fork as my next procrastination.

Thanks for willing to help.
Once I commit something in English, I'll ping you.
BTW, Do Autistici have a repository of their variant?

I have a feeling we're talking about different sides of the same stick.
The fact that the attackers (marketing companies etc.) become more 
devious (e.g. e-tag trickery) doesn't change the fact that the 
*webmasters* are the ones who let them put the foor in the door in the 
first place.
The mainstream webmasters (and orgs) don't care. When I go to a magazine 
site or a shopping mall, I will be tracked.
But where can I go "after hours"? Where's my information-super-casba?
Most webmasters and orgs who believe they *are* privacy aware, would use 
the standard buttons offered by fb/twitter/etc. without blinking (or 
worse use a "let me track you too" 1-panel-does-all solution).
If they're not offered an alternative, most won't even think there's a 
problem. This is how this can of worms works.

It's not like this is going to stop one day, but - as you see, it's 
already beginning to happen (in German and Italian). Let's hope we can 
make this thing popular (English support would be a good start ;-) ).
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