[liberationtech] FB-like "Twitter-connect" soon. How can we avoid all this tracking?

Anne Roth annalist at riseup.net
Fri May 25 02:31:43 PDT 2012

Am 25.05.12 11:14, schrieb Michael Rogers:

> Someone's already written the code, but I'm not sure what to do
> about publicity - maybe translating the docs from German to English
> would help?

This has been extremely successful in Germany and a lot of websites
are using it. Since then I've wondered why it doesn't make the move
over to the anglo world, I even contacted Heise about it and if I
remember correctly they were a bit vague in their answer - like: yes,
good idea...  I'm sure they'd strongly approve of an English version.

There is a wordpress plugin for it, too. The original version by Heise
covers Facebook, Twitter and Google+. The Italian tech collective
Autistici adapted it for their blogging platform noblogs.org (based on
wordpress) to also include identi.ca buttons (see in my blog

I'm not volunteering to do this, but I'm willing to help if others
want to take this on.




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