[liberationtech] FB-like "Twitter-connect" soon. How can we avoid all this tracking?

The Dod unclezzzen at gmail.com
Fri May 25 00:33:06 PDT 2012

It used to be easy: Facebook spies on you when you browse 3rd party 
sites, twitter doesn't.

But now that twitter begins to spy 
<https://support.twitter.com/articles/20169421> on users who visit a 3rd 
site you visit has a "tweet this" link, (and updates its privacy policy 
<https://twitter.com/privacy#section1> accordingly), would webmaster 
gradually lose the option to include "non-snitching" share links like 
twitter's /intent/tweet/ and facebook's /sharer.php?

Even if the situation doesn't escalate in the future, like buttons are 
already spying on you /today/ (not on me, because I don't have a 
facebook account, but pretty soon twitter will be on my tail).

How can we minimize the damage?
The key (IMHO) is a webmaster (and user) awareness campaign to use a 
[yet to be developed] "fetch-a-button" ajax widget with buttons like 
(lame phrasing): "I want to like this" or "I want to tweet this". These 
would fetch the code (and thus - snitch) only for people planning to 
/publicly admit/ they've watched the page :-)

The widget doesn't seem too hard to write (famous last words), but the 
awareness campaign seems to be a much heavier task.

Any ideas?
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