[liberationtech] Film financing

Lisa Brownlee lmbscholarly2 at gmail.com
Tue May 22 04:02:08 PDT 2012

Hola to Libtech list watcher from MX! This time I write not about the narco
war but about a film project client.

Is it an appropriate use of the Stanford list to seek film financiers?  If
 you say "yes" I will prepare a letter for forwarding to the listserv.
Please also inform me (if you are permitted) the number of recipients on
the list.

Thanks so much!



Lisa M. Brownlee, Esq.
Skype:  lisa.m.brownlee
lmbscholarly2 at gmail.com
lmbcontacts at yahoo.com
Author's website at West Thomson
About my Law Journal Press
Facebook: Lisa M

Author of:

Intellectual Property Due Diligence in Corporate Transactions: Investment,
Risk Assessment and Management (West Thomson Reuters)

Assets & Finance: Audits and Valuation of Intellectual Property (West
Thomson Reuters)

Federal Acquisition Regulations: Intellectual Property and Related Rights
(Law Journal Press)
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