[liberationtech] Commercialization makes your online rights irrelevant, more thoughts from my talk with @ioerror at #rp12

StealthMonger StealthMonger at nym.mixmin.net
Mon May 21 16:32:04 PDT 2012

Hash: SHA1

Dmytri Kleiner <dk at telekommunisten.net> writes:

> ... our primary motivations are social ones, not individual utility
> maximization.

"utility maximization" is far too narrow to accommodate the limitless
range of peaceful, non-social individual motivation.

> ... those that "go there (sic) own way" are either on a temporary
> detour, or simply outliers.

And yes, there are outliers.

>> Freedom is the absence of political subjugation of dissidents.

> Freedom is much more than that.

Okay, but it includes that.  Note that "outliers" want freedom, too.

> So how do you propose we make collective decisions?

Don't attempt to make them.  Consensus is rare, and when it does occur
(no dissenters), "collective decision" is not needed anyway.

[In a later posting:]

> Remind me what the point is?

The point is that "outliers" will not tolerate having their peaceful
behavior bound by others' political decisions.

- -- 

 -- StealthMonger <StealthMonger at nym.mixmin.net>
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