[liberationtech] Commercialization makes your online rights irrelevant, more thoughts from my talk with @ioerror at #rp12

Pavol Luptak wilder at trip.sk
Mon May 21 16:12:38 PDT 2012

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 05:02:35PM +0200, Dmytri Kleiner wrote:
> We have a world to share, and to do so, we need to respect each
> other. Not to mention that the distribution of wealth and power is
> currently extremely unequal, so even if some magic system of mutual
> utility maximization could work in an already-fair world (not that I
> believe this), it doesn't explain how we can overcome the unpleasant
> reality that the present extreme inequality allows the powerful to
> maximize their utility at the expense of the rest of us, and we can
> not change this without a moral prerogative to prevent them form
> "maximizing their utility" in this way. Therefore we clearly have a
> right to determine social outcomes collectively. Even when certain
> individuals, i.e. the rich, may not agree with such outcomes, i.e.,
> more social and economic equality.

But this intervention is simply not fair (and I also admit that the current
corporativism system where the big corporations corrupt our governments and
poor people are exploited, is also not fair).

But people are different, have different skills, genetic predispositions, 
some of them are smart, some or them are stupid and lazy. It is absolutely 
natural that some of them would be rich and some of them would be poor 
(it's just a reflection of their skills and abilities).

You can say - it is not fair, most people can not influence that they were born
stupid or have some genetic disabilities. And that's why we need to 
involuntarily take money from the rich and smart people and support these 
poor people.

I think it's immoral, because this should be done on voluntary basis only.

But imagine the another example:

If you are born to be sexy, you will likely also have many beautiful girls 
around you and have sex everyday.
If you are born to be very ugly, it's likely that you have no sex in your whole

And this also not fair, most people can not influence that they were born 
ugly and without sexual attractiveness.

But in our fair society, we can solve it easily - just take (involuntarily)
beautiful girls from all sexy people and give them to all these ugly people
(of course, they will deserve it!)

I know this is a crazy comparison (you cannot force these beautiful girls to 
do anything like this), but as well as people are born to be ugly or sexy, 
they are born to be smart and rich or stupid and poor. Of course not all smart
people are rich and not all stupid people are poor.

All I want to say is that if you are born to be poor or ugly or with some
mental/physical disabilities, it's really unfair. But you cannot force all
other people to help you. They have to do it voluntarily. And if you are
smart and rich and you don't like this situation, don't hesitate to create a 
great charity for all poor and ugly people for improving their sex life.
I will be your supporter :)

[wilder at trip.sk] [http://trip.sk/wilder/] [talker: ttt.sk 5678]
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