[liberationtech] Iranian Conservative Bloggers - April 2012

elham gheytanchi elhamucla at hotmail.com
Mon May 21 13:08:51 PDT 2012

Wish they had defined "conservative bloggers" more clearly. In Persian we call a whole range of ideologies conservative: does the report mean Islamists/fundamentalists or those who are politically conservative? None of the groups have a conservative take on the economy- i.e. free market, etc. 
Best,elham gheytanchi

From: aminsabeti at gmail.com
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 14:58:10 +0100
To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
Subject: [liberationtech] Iranian Conservative Bloggers - April 2012

Good piece about conservative bloggers in Persian cyberspace: http://storify.com/smallmedia/iranian-conservative-bloggers-april-2012

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