[liberationtech] Commercialization makes your online rights irrelevant, more thoughts from my talk with @ioerror at #rp12

Dmytri Kleiner dk at telekommunisten.net
Mon May 21 01:18:01 PDT 2012

On 20.05.2012 23:54, StealthMonger wrote:
> Speak for yourself.  Others simply go their own way in peace, perhaps
> occasionally temporarily detouring to cooperate with others in some
> mutually beneficial endeavor.

Nothing I have read from anthropology nor psychology bears this out, 
both portray us as a deeply social species and suggest that our primary 
motivations are social ones, not individual utility maximization. We 
don't temporary detour to co-operation, co-operation is our natural 
state, and the reason for of our success as a species. It's quite the 
opposite, those that "go there own way" are either on a temporary 
detour, or simply outliers. There are 7 billion of us, and by large we 
work together, share and compromise with each other, and our survival 
depends on this.

>> If we can't collectively decide ... then we can have neither 
>> democracy
>> nor freedom.
> Freedom is the absence of political subjugation of dissidents.

Freedom is much more than that.

> Democracy does not respect freedom (the secret ballot has no shame) 
> and
> becomes tyranny of the majority -- the most robust kind of tyranny.

So how do you propose we make collective decisions? Might makes right?

Dmytri Kleiner
Venture Communist

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