[liberationtech] Flash / Cyber Arabs

Omer Gibreel omegato at hotmail.com
Fri May 18 08:36:27 PDT 2012

dear Fabio,
Thanks for sharing the website is good to see that many of these websites are sharing information about the safe usage of the Internet in the Middle East as many websites in the Middle East need to improve their security measure in order to protect their users. Especially after the art spring there is need for increased awareness about the dissemination of information or personal information online. Please share other websites if you find similar websites online in the future.
best regardsOmer

Date: Fri, 18 May 2012 13:41:28 +0300
From: susannef at iwpr.net
To: lists at infosecurity.ch
CC: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
Subject: [liberationtech] Flash / Cyber Arabs

Dear Fabio,

thanks for the alert. 

The website actually does not require Flash, only the online Flip version of the magazine. But you can also just go to the website (www.cyber-arabs.com), go to the link for the magazines and download it as pdf, then you do not need Flash at all. 

When we started the magazine, we looked at different softwares that allow you to publish an online magazine that you can read online like an actual magazine, and there were several reasons we opted for the uniflip software. 

If you have a recommendation for a online publishing software that does not require flash and provides the same options (and works with Arabic and right to left flipping), we would be very happy to hear about it. 


On 18 May 2012 12:46, Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) <lists at infosecurity.ch> wrote:

On 5/18/12 11:40 AM, Susanne Fischer wrote:


> Hello,


> for all out there who read Arabic, I am happy to announce the

> publication of the 3rd issue of Cyber Arabs Magazine on Digital and

> Mobile Security.


> Please spread the link.


> http://www.cyber-arabs.com/magazine/MAG003/index.html

The friendly cyber-arabs require to use Flash to visit the site:

"This online publication require Adobe Flash Player"

We should report them trying to simplify their website.

Flash is a known source of browser-based client-side exploits.



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Best regards,
Susanne Fischer

Susanne Fischer
Middle East Programme Manager
susannef at iwpr.net

mobile +961 70 211 219

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