[liberationtech] Video cameras coming to an SF bar near you

James Losey jameswlosey at gmail.com
Mon May 14 14:16:26 PDT 2012

Hi All,

This Friday<http://blogs.sfweekly.com/thesnitch/2012/05/scenetap_facial_recognition.php>a
start-up is launching facial recognition cameras in 25 San Francisco
bars. The companies goal is to give patrons a sense of the average age,
male to female ratio, and popularity of a bar before going in. This data
will also be shared with the bar (aka, tracking attendance/demographics on
differente evenings).

Based on the company's privacy policy <http://www.scenetap.com/privacy>states:

   - No facial photos or video are recorded or stored.
   - No streaming video may be viewed by venue operators or patrons.
   - No personal information is collected or even attempted to be collected.

However, I suspect this could mean that photos/video (with faces blurred)
might be stored, and its certainly strange to be de facto accepting a
privacy policy by walking into a bar.

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