[liberationtech] Mother's Day Action to Lower Prison Phone Call Costs!
griffinboyce at gmail.com
griffinboyce at gmail.com
Sat May 12 15:28:00 PDT 2012
Hi Amalia,
This is a really lovely idea. With the major costs of incarceration, a lowered cost of outgoing phone calls seems really small adjustment for a potentially large impact. Feeling more connected to the outside world, to family and friends, could improve prisoner behavior overall and lead to lower infraction rates among the prisoner population.
Just my $0.02 =)
Griffin Boyce
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~Len Sassaman
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-----Original Message-----
[liberationtech] Mother's Day Action to Lower Prison Phone Call Costs!
From: amalia deloney <amalia at centerformediajustice.org>
To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
Friday, May 11, 2012 at 10:14AM
Apologies for cross posts/Please share far and wide!
Today is our Mother’s Day of Action, please remember to support by:
1. Sharing your story. Fill out this online postcard and we’ll submit your story to the Federal Communications Commission. (If you would rather record your story call 877-518-0606)
2. Tweet the postcard. Help us get to our goal of 1,000 stories by sharing the postcard through social media.Remember to use the hashtag #phonejustice and #FCC.
Sample Tweets:
We want #phonejustice for prisoners. Tell the #FCC to address the high cost of prison phone calls. Share your story http://bit.ly/K9iPux
Hey @FCC we want #phonejustice for prisoners. Pass the Wright Petition (CC Docket 96-128).
3. Change your Facebook Profile. Add this avatar to your Facebook profile and encourage your friends to do so as well.
4. Get organized. Download this toolkit and start organizing in your community.
Thank you for your action!
amalia deloney | Associate Director | centerformediajustice.org | amalia at centerformediajustice.org | 510.698.3800 x 403
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