[liberationtech] Stanford PACS Event: May 17, 2012 - Leading, Mobilizing and Funding the Reproductive Rights Movement for the 21st Century

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat May 12 00:48:59 PDT 2012

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Please join *Stanford PACS* and *Tides*, along with Community Partners *Hewlett
Foundation*, *Stanford Social Innovation Review* *(SSIR)*, and *The
Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRiSS)* for a special
program moderated by *Kim Meredith, Executive Director, Stanford PACS* and
featuring keynote speaker, *Cecile Richards, President, Planned Parenthood
Federation of America (PPFA)*. Following Richards remarks, she will
join *Melissa
Bradley, President, Tides* and *Ruth Levine, Director, Global Development
and Population Program, Hewlett Foundation* for a moderated discussion.
These three leaders offer their vision and highlight current challenges
from their own contexts on how to overcome barriers, leverage leadership,
resources and funds to mobilize and build a strong movement for
reproductive rights in the 21st Century. Closing insights will focus on how
to develop new strategies to catalyze next generation leaders and drivers
of the movement, this planary panel promises to be thought provoking and
forward-looking. The program will be followed by a dialogue with the
panelists and an open Q&A with the audience.


[image: pacs may 17 community partners][image: Hosts Graphic = PACS + Tides]


Contact Us:*
Shana D. Sachs
Program Manager
Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society
429 Arguello Way
Stanford CA 94305
p 650.724.2654

sdsachs at stanford.edu


The Center on Philanthropy and Civil
Society<http://pacscenter.stanford.edu>is a program of the Institute
for Research in the Social Sciences <http://iriss.stanford.edu>

*Copyright (C) 2008 *| Stanford University |* All rights reserved.*
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