[liberationtech] EHSM 2012 CFP - exploring the frontiers of open source and DIY

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu May 10 18:41:59 PDT 2012


    Exceptionally Hard & Soft Meeting
exploring the frontiers of open source and DIY
      Berlin, December 28-30 2012

Some electronics books from the 50s claimed making triode tubes would be
an impossible endeavour for amateurs. Today, there are at least two DIY
laboratories making not only triodes but also all sorts of vacuum
electron devices.

Three years after the first GPS satellite was launched, few people used
the technology, which was perceived as very complicated and expensive.
Yet, someone successfully operated his homebrew receiver made from
hundreds of that time's electronic parts.

These days, microchips are often thought to be impenetrable and
impossible to manufacture without large-scale facilities. But many
individuals are reverse engineering microelectronics designs, often
breaking security systems based on the obscurity of the silicon layout.
Some are even devising DIY methods to replicate parts of the microchip
manufacturing process, with impressive results.

What are the frontiers of DIY technology? The first Exceptionally Hard &
Soft Meeting (EHSM) will feature presentations of the brightest DIY
achievements. But we do not want to stop at DIY. In fact, we should not,
because teamwork is the only way to get the big things done.

The open source ethos is about keeping the freedom and openness of DIY
when many people are involved. At a time when thousands of developers
from hundreds of companies contribute to Linux and the world's largest
physics laboratories share openly licensed hardware designs on OHWR, we
will explore the cutting-edge open source hardware and software

This premiere of the EHSM will be held in Berlin on December 28-30 2012.
Everyone is welcome to attend it. Curiosity is enough to qualify, and
we have kept the minimal entrance fee affordable. (Please order your
ticket as soon as possible, see below)


To give you an idea of what is coming up, we are pleased to announce
that the following speakers will be presenting their awesome work:

 * Jeffrey Gough (warrantyvoidifremoved.com) will talk about and
  demonstrate metalwork techniques. How to go beyond extruded ABS coming
  from a 3D printer? There might even be a hands-on workshop coming up,
  stay tuned.

 * Shawn Tan (aeste.my) has been working on a new open source
  microprocessor design and will introduce it at EHSM.

 * Ben Krasnow (benkrasnow.blogspot.com) makes all sorts of seemingly
  impossible science experiments at home, such as creating aerogel (yes,
  that thing on spacecraft), Pop Rocks candy, or building a scanning
  electron microscope. He will talk about a yet undisclosed but
  promising topic.

More speakers will be announced as we confirm them, check http://ehsm.eu
for the latest information!


EHSM is entirely supported by its attendees and sponsors. To help us make
this event happen, please donate and/or order your ticket as soon as
possible by visiting our website http://ehsm.eu.

Prices are:

* $45 - day ticket, valid for any single day of the conference.
* $65 - early registration fee (ends July 15th!). Ticket valid for all 3
* $110 - regular registration fee (after July 15th). Ticket valid for
 all 3 days.
* $280 - supporter ticket, with our thanks and your name on the website.
* $1337 - gold supporter ticket, with our thanks and your company/project
 logo on the website and the printed programme.

EHSM is a non-profit event and most of the money will be used to cover
speakers' travel expenses.


Since we do not pretend to be aware of all the amazing tech out there, we
are expecting your proposals.

Send a mail to orga at ehsm.eu with at least the following information:

* Name of the speaker
* Short bio of the speaker and/or his/her team
* Speaker contact information (e-mail + mobile phone if possible)
* Where the speaker will be traveling from
* Title of the presentation
* Abstract
* Links to more information (if available)

The standard format for presentations is one-hour lectures, but we are
flexible. Write us a note if you have special time or other

We are waiting for your presentations in these areas:

* Open hardware
* Big open source project management
* Licensing and business models for open source
* Manufacturing: metalwork, glass blowing, ...
* Electronics engineering
* Signal processing
* Radars
* Semiconductors
* Rocket science
* Thin film technologies
* Hardware acceleration
* Satellite design
* Vacuum electron devices
* Millimeter wave technology
* Reverse engineering
* Applied quantum physics
* Thermodynamics
* Nuclear science
* Nanotechnologies
* High speed photography

...and anything awesome which is not listed here.

If you know of someone else's work that would be relevant, feel free to
tip us! (orga at ehsm.eu)


While researchers are most welcome to present their work at EHSM, please
note that this is not a traditional academic conference. We will not
formally publish proceedings(*), and we do not claim affiliation with
any institution. We are also OK with previously published work, we
simply expect high-quality presentations.

(*) Contrary to the practice of most academic publishers, we will,
however, do our best to ensure the free dissemination of information.


Doors open: December 28th, 2012, 09:00
Doors close: December 30th, 2012, 18:00
Early registration fee ends: July 15th, 2012
Submission deadline: November 21st, 2012
Notifications of acceptance : November 28th, 2012 (or sooner)
Full programme published: November 28th, 2012


TU Berlin, Hörsaalgebäude Elektrotechnik
Lecture room HE101
Straße des 17. Juni 136
10623 Berlin, Germany
U Bahn: Ernst-Reuter-Platz

We thank TU Berlin and Freitagsrunde for providing the venue.

- the EHSM organizing committee <http://ehsm.eu>
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