[liberationtech] Privacy, Moglen, @ioerror, #rp12

Pavol Luptak wilder at trip.sk
Thu May 10 05:27:29 PDT 2012

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 08:05:51AM -0400, Fran Parker wrote:
> I am not sure that's the case.
> Maybe what Carl Sagan saw was that, despite how he felt, if left
> unchecked, greed takes all -- at the expense of all.
> Therefore there must at least be *some* checks and balances to
> prevent greed from taking all.

The question how this "balance" can be enforced. 

Stealing my money (using coercion state) for many social programs I don't like,
is definitely not a good solution. 

Doing some nasty things using Tor is also bad. But enforcing regulations
against it, is even worse for society.

> If giving in to allow at least *some* checks and balances, then you
> might find that it also opens the doors for the greed to corrupt the
> very checks and balances meant to do good...

Exactly :-) 

Central checks and controls can be good if we have ideal people.
But we do not (and will not), so we need to learn how to live in decentralized 
society without central checks.

> Sadly, I think there is a very good chance that is what happened in the USA.

Yes, you have 2 options - bad "competitive" corporations on a freemarket or
single monopoly government we have to trust. I do not like corporations, 
but choose the first option, because it is less worse.

[wilder at trip.sk] [http://trip.sk/wilder/] [talker: ttt.sk 5678]
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