[liberationtech] Secure Your Domain - Where Is Safe to Register a Domain Name? - Gun.io

Andre Rebentisch arebentisch at lxdesystems.com
Wed May 9 04:08:53 PDT 2012

Am 08.05.2012 10:16, schrieb PG-Tyers, Bernard:
> Hash: SHA1
> I would also add the suggestion of keeping out of the DNS space entirely and using the basic IP addressing of your server/hosting for your service/website. Then the issue becomes finding just a reliable and secure hosting provider, instead of reliable hosting AND
> domain registrar. If you want people to find it, they will.
If I am not mistaken ICANN is a US-run registrar cartell. Keep in mind 
the envisaged SOPA provisions,

What speaks against governments taking down/over domain names and 
content hosted within their jurisdiction in principle (cmp. Art 2 UN 
Charta)? Isn't that better than blocking?

NATO has no role whatsoever in civil enforcement. And in the state of 
collective defense you probably have other concerns than domain names. I 
like Gandi a lot, they are subject to French laws. I can't see how 
getting a ch domain makes you escape from the French jurisdiction.

-- A

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