[liberationtech] Help with "Reluctant Innovators" Research

Ken Banks ken.banks at kiwanja.net
Tue May 8 07:26:52 PDT 2012

Hi everyone

I'm working on a new book and was wondering if you could help get the word out through your various networks and channels. 

I'm basically looking for a pool of "reluctant innovators" to profile. In my blog post I define these people as:

"Reluctant innovators are people who unexpectedly come up with an innovative solution to a problem they’ve experienced or witnessed, one which has angered, bugged, disturbed or frustrated them so much that they end up dedicating much of their lives to solving it. They’re innovators, but not through choice, since they never set out to innovate".

You can read the whole post, with a couple of examples, here:


If you consider yourself a reluctant innovator, please drop me a line. Or if you know someone who might fit the bill, please do the same. Else, any help pushing this out to relevant lists would be hugely appreciated.

Many thanks.


Ken Banks
Founder, kiwanja.net and FrontlineSMS
National Geographic Emerging Explorer | Tech Awards Laureate | Ashoka Fellow | Pop!Tech Fellow

"Where technology meets anthropology, conservation and development"

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kiwanja

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