[liberationtech] Avaaz, is this for real?

Okhin okhin at okhin.fr
Fri May 4 15:36:41 PDT 2012

On Fri, 4 May 2012 15:48:35 -0400
Sahar Massachi <Sahar at brandeis.edu> wrote:

> I'm a bit concerned about all the muttering about Avaaz's sensationalism.
> Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding something, but the following
> scenario seems pretty plausible to me:
> The Avaaz site comes under some sort of attack. The tech team at Avaaz
> gives a quick "idiots guide" to what's going on to their communications
> team, and then goes back to trying to deal with the problem. The
> communications team has a partially confused understanding of exactly
> what's going on, but tries to deal with the situation as best they can.
> When technically minded journalists want to talk to Avaaz, the
> communications staff doesn't want to bother their still-hard-at-work tech
> team, so they give unsatisfying, vague, and unhelpful replies to these
> journalists".
> Am I missing something?

Yeah, they started a funding campaign to fight the attack and, while
the attack has stopped (according to their claim), it's still open and
their goal is 35k$ (and they're at 33k$)for what?

Next time I've got a spam bot raiding my corporate network, I'll ask this amount of money to my boss. Just to see he's face.


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