[liberationtech] DoS (NEA/DRL) Internet Freedom Programs Funding: Request for Statements of Interests

Schuler, Ian M SchulerIM at state.gov
Fri May 4 13:59:13 PDT 2012

Thanks for posting this Collin. A few other items to highlight:


*         This a *global* call for statements of interest; program
proposals need not be restricted to the NEA region. 

*         The call is not restricted to 501(c)3 organizations. 

*         Organizations are encouraged to form consortia and to submit a
combined SOI.

*         Submissions are due on May 31, 2012.


Please distribute the solicitation widely. Please email ifRFP at state.gov
<mailto:ifRFP at state.gov>  with any questions.



From: "Collin Anderson" <collin at averysmallbird.com>
Date: May 4, 2012 3:45 PM
Subject: [liberationtech] DoS (NEA/DRL) Internet Freedom Programs
Funding: Request for Statements of Interests
To: "Liberation Technologies" <liberationtech at mailman.stanford.edu>



The State Department released its annual solicitation for Statements of
Interest on Internet Freedom programs. 




	Approximately $23 million total in Internet freedom funds are
available from the FY 2012 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and
Related Programs Appropriations Act. Additional country and regional
resources may be available to support Internet freedom efforts. To
support direct and indirect costs required for implementation, DRL and
NEA anticipate making awards in amounts of $500,000 - $5,000,000 for
Internet freedom programs. 


	Statements of interest should address one or more of the
following potential program activities:  

	Supporting the free flow of information and digital activists:

	*	Technology Expanding Open and Uncensored Access to
Information and Communications ...
	*	Secure Communication Technology ...
	*	Digital Safety Training ...
	*	Emergency support ..

	Ongoing evaluation and research to enhance global Internet
freedom policy and diplomacy:

	*	Policy and Advocacy ...
	*	Research and Evaluation  ...
	*	Research Focused on Expanding the Free Flow of
Information ...

	DRL and NEA invite organizations to submit statements of
interest outlining program concepts and capacity to manage projects that
will foster freedom of expression and the free flow of information on
the Internet and other connection technologies in East Asia, including
China; the Near East, including Iran and Syria; Southeast Asia,
including Burma; the South Caucasus; Eurasia, including Russia; Central
Asia; Latin America, including Cuba and Venezuela; and Africa.
Programming may support activities in Farsi, Chinese, Russian, Burmese,
Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, French, and other languages. Concepts may
be global in nature, regional or country-specific.


Source: http://bit.ly/IKmheP





Collin David Anderson

averysmallbird.com | @cda | Washington, D.C.


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