[liberationtech] Contact with Guifi.net project: Open, Free & Neutral Network
Josep Vives [Openbits]
josep.vives at gmail.com
Wed May 2 00:45:35 PDT 2012
Hi folks,
This is for guys near Sant Francisco.
I'm member of guifi.net project. Another member, and good friend, will come
to SF from 5 to 28 May. See the email below. If you are interested in a
meeting in SF, or around, feel free to contact wiht Eloi.
Crosspost or forward to people or communities potentially interested are
>From the moment we have agree a pair of meetings whith Noisebridge (thru
Yosem's contact) and perhaps Mozilla Fundation.
Thanks a lot
Guifi.net Volunteer
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eloi Rebes <eloi.rebes at guifi.net>
Date: 2012/5/2
Subject: Contact with Guifi.net project: Open, Free & Neutral Network
To: josep.vives at gmail.com
my name is Eloi Rebes, I'm a Guifi.net admin and user, from Catalonia
(Spain). Someboby give me your contact.
I'll come to San Francisco for holidays, and I want to share this fantastic
project with you. If you want, I can do some meeting to
explain what is this project and how it works. Maybe, if you like, I can
help you start the project in your country, a better choice to do together.
But, what is guifi.net <http://guifi.net/en/what_is_guifinet>?
"guifi.net is a telecommunications network, is open, free and neutral
because is built through a peer to peer agreement
<http://guifi.net/WCL_EN>where everyone can join the network by
providing his connection, and
therefore, extending the network and gaining connectivity to all."
Born in Catalonia <http://guifi.net/en/node/2413/view/map>, a lot of
villages are poor in infrastructure, and is a beautiful way to do something
about this problem. Almost the Guifi.net infrastructure is wireless, but at
today, we start to do the same way with optical fiber. Finally, we are a
big community to make something different to grow up with the world of
Guifi.net Foundation participates in
CommonsForEurope <http://commonsforeurope.net/theproject/>, with another
wireless communities.
I'll come in 5 of may since 28, with my girlfriend.
I'm glad to visit your country and explain the Guifi.net project to you.
Thanks for time,
Best Regards
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