[liberationtech] Twitter subpoenas & data retention

Douglas Lucas dal at douglaslucas.com
Tue May 1 14:53:20 PDT 2012

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a freelance piece about Twitter data retention and
subpoenas, 2703(d) orders, and other data-retention-related court orders
sent to Twitter. (I wrote this other piece for Salon in February:
I'm aware of the December 2010 2703(d) order the Justice Department
Twitter for information on Jacob Applebaum, Rop Gonggrijp, Birgitta
Jónsdóttir, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, and WikiLeaks; of the
administrative subpoena Boston law enforcement sent Twitter for information
on Guido Fawkes, @pOisAnON, @OccupyBoston, #BostonPD and #dOxcak3; and of
the subpoena the Manhattan District Attorney's Office sent Twitter for
information on the @destructuremal associated with Malcolm Harris, who was
arrested at the Brooklyn Bridge during the November 17 Occupy action.

1) Does anyone know of any other prominent, activist-related subpoenas or
court orders sent to Twitter?

I also participated in the Privacy International #NOLOGS campaign (
aimed atraising awareness about data retention policies and at
clarifying what data
Twitter retains. For that campaign I asked Twitter Legal for copies of my
personal data. (This resulted in them sending me a .zip of .txt files, one
of which listed a bunch of phone numbers I presume -- but have yet to
doublecheck -- are from my iPhone contacts list via the phone's Twitter
app. Now I've been playing with/customizing other phones...)

2) Does anyone know of any other people significantly involved in the
Privacy International campaign? I just know of Christopher Soghoian, who
participated in it, I think.

Also, if anyone has any thoughts on 3) the future of Twitter data
retention, 4) the future of subpoenas and court orders sent to Twitter, or
5) any other suggestions, I'm all ears! I'll be contacting some of the
various folks involved soon.

Thanks so much,

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