[liberationtech] news confirming Sudanese News sites blocked in Sudan
sudanese guardian
sudaneseguardian at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 02:49:08 PDT 2012
Dear Collin,
i can sense the increase in the usage of Ultrasurf, as i am hearing friends
using it, my concern is about the security of these tools and if there are
other tools that could be used, the more there are tools to bypass the
censorship the better as that will increase the number of ways in which
users are able to bypass the system and also prevent the government
from targeting certain software or a group of people who are using these
software. also as event escalate i believe the government will crack down
more on internet and telecommunication. but what is good that there are
several people out there trying to point out to new tools and new method to
help the people on the group so i am very optimistic.
best regards
On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Collin Anderson
<collin at averysmallbird.com>wrote:
> Sudanese Guardian,
> Adoption in times of crisis interests me, so I was curious about your note
> and reached out to Ultrasurf for numbers:
> Daily users have been around 200-400, daily hits 400K to 500K. Since
>> yesterday, daily users jumped to over 1000, daily hits 2 million.
> Few tools publicly release numbers, other than Tor which hasn't seen a
> significant uptick in traffic. I am hopeful that other vendors on this list
> have statistics that can be shared.
> Cordially,
> Collin
> On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:52 AM, sudanese guardian <
> sudaneseguardian at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Greeting liberationtech
>> recent news confirm the blocking of major Online Sudanese news Sites,
>> many of them in which protesters news was published and new updates about
>> the current situation in Sudan is discussed.sites such as
>> http://sudaneseonline.com/ , http://www.hurriyatsudan.com, and
>> http://www.alrakoba.net/ on the list of blocked sites. now what
>> is important is helping people gain accesses to these sites. several people
>> in the Sudan are now using of ultrasurf http://ultrasurf.us/ which is
>> by the way used in china to by pass censorship over there. other people are
>> using tor, but i would like to point out that there is news that the
>> internet is being censored more and more as the government tracks these
>> sites. if you have any comment related to ways in which these sites can be
>> accessed please feel free to share. also if there are other tools that you
>> would like to recommend please feel free to share them. wish you all the
>> best and thank you for reading this email.
>> best regards
>> Sudanese Guardian
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> --
> *Collin David Anderson*
> averysmallbird.com | @cda | Washington, D.C.
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