[liberationtech] news confirming Sudanese News sites blocked in Sudan

sudanese guardian sudaneseguardian at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 02:52:00 PDT 2012

Greeting liberationtech

recent news confirm the blocking of major Online Sudanese news Sites, many
of them in which protesters news was published and new updates about the
current situation in Sudan is discussed.sites such as
http://sudaneseonline.com/ , http://www.hurriyatsudan.com, and
http://www.alrakoba.net/ on the list of blocked sites. now what
is important is helping people gain accesses to these sites. several people
in the Sudan are now  using of ultrasurf http://ultrasurf.us/ which is by
the way used in china to by pass censorship over there. other people are
using tor, but i would like to point out that there is news that the
internet is being censored more and more as the government tracks these
sites. if you have any comment related to ways in which these sites can be
accessed please feel free to share. also if there are other tools that you
would like to recommend please feel free to share them. wish you all the
best and thank you for reading this email.

best regards
Sudanese Guardian
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