[liberationtech] EveryVote.org - a global democracy facilitation platform (video intro/call for volunteers)

Mitch Downey mitch at everyvote.org
Fri Jun 22 15:22:47 PDT 2012

Hi LibTech!

EveryVote.org is an open-source, non-profit, global democracy facilitation
platform crowd-sourcing development now.

For a short video introduction to EveryVote:

Primary features envisioned for the platform include:

1) Users can vote for or against any official, candidate, user, group, or
legislation on the site
2) Elections page automatically lists the candidates of all elections
--federal, state, county, local, etc-- the logged in user is eligible to
vote in
3) Election and registration deadline reminders to help prepare users for
election day
4) Users can learn *at a glance* (simplified to a total + or -%) how the
officials, candidates, users and groups they support or oppose are voting
on every bill in their legislative body
5) A democratic social news system (like reddit's) that allows users to see
which stories are most popular to supporters and opposers of a person,
group, or bill
6) Ability for users to facilitate the legislative and electoral process of
their own organization using EveryVote

Our short-range goal is to have the site at least testable in advance of
the United States 2012 federal elections in November, but our long-range
goal is for the EveryVote platform to work with any government or
organization that has legislative and electoral data available online.

For more information, here is a .pdf walkthrough of the EveryVote design
documents as of 06/21/12: http://tiny.cc/i3ibgw

Any questions, feedback, advice, or offers to help would be much
appreciated and can be sent to contactus at everyvote.org.

Many thanks,
The EV Development Team
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