[liberationtech] Skype Manager Chinese

Robert Guerra rguerra at privaterra.org
Thu Jun 21 09:05:41 PDT 2012


In light of the recent Skype Malware attacks being reported by EFF & The CitizenLab, well, i'd suggest your colleague proceed with caution. 

Robert Guerra
Senior Advisor, Citizen Lab
Munk Centre for Global Affairs, University of Toronto
Phone: +1 416-893-0377      Cell: +1 202 905 2081
Twitter: twitter.com/netfreedom 
Email: robert at citizenlab.org
Web: http://citizenlab.org

On 2012-06-21, at 11:20 AM, <frank at journalistsecurity.net> <frank at journalistsecurity.net> wrote:

> I just got the message below from a colleauge at NPR who discovered emails from "Skype Manager" in Chinese. I presume she should delete them. Anyone have any thoughts? Thank you. FS
> Subject: Skype messages in Chinese?
> Hi, ITSupport--
> I'm at home, trying to get over a bad cold, so I checked my emails today using mail.npr.org and see that I'm getting emails today from "Skype Manager" in Chinese today. Should I delete these messages without opening them?
> Carol
> Frank Smyth
> Executive Director
> Global Journalist Security
> frank at journalistsecurity.net
> T.  + 1 202 244 0717
> C.  + 1 202 352 1736
> Twitter:  @JournoSecurity
> Website: www.journalistsecurity.net
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