[liberationtech] Silent Circle? Re: AES-encyrpted telephony in Iran?

liberationtech at lewman.us liberationtech at lewman.us
Sat Jun 16 08:45:45 PDT 2012

On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 14:51:17 +0100
Frank Corrigan <email at franciscorrigan.com> wrote:

> This seems relevant, building on Phil Zimmerman's Zfone/ZRTP & PGP.
> Open Standards?
> Claim total security for phone, text, email, and more
> Absolutely NO Backdoors???
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/06/14/pgp_seal_encrypted_communications/

Technically, their website[0] states "Absolutely NO Backdoors: No
backdoors with our encryption for any individual, organization or

This only refers to the encryption, not anything else. I would expect
Zimmerman and Callas to not put backdoors in their encryption. I wonder
about everything else related to their services. As they are still in
private beta, I'm giving them a huge benefit of the doubt for now. The
future could be bright.

[0] https://silentcircle.com/

pgp 0x6B4D6475

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