[liberationtech] Hiring Field Researchers

Susannah Vila susannah.vila at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 06:33:41 PDT 2012

Hey LibTech,

The engine room is hiring field researchers in 5 African countries to join
our TechScape project. More information on who we are looking for (and
where) can be found
If you know anyone who may be a good fit, I would be more than appreciative
if you'd pass this along.

TechScape <https://www.theengineroom.org/?post_type=projects&p=3111> is the
first empirical global data set on technology use and civil society. We've
just put a whole lot of info about the initiative on our website -

Thanks in advance,




[Tel / SMS] +1 212.203.2800  [skype] susannahvila  [t]

the engine room <https://www.theengineroom.org>: Dedicated to investigating
& supporting the effective use of digital media by advocates around the
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