[liberationtech] ICT Update - Call for articles - Women and ICTs

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Jun 9 11:57:35 PDT 2012

ICT Update magazine is looking for articles for our forthcoming issue
on Women and ICTs.

We would like to hear from anyone working on agricultural or rural
development projects that emphasize the role and position of women in
African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, where ICTs (mobile phones,
computers, GIS, email, internet, radio, TV, etc) are used to improve
employment opportunities or to encourage an interest in traditional
agricultural practices.

We are looking for projects that focus on empowerment, female rural
entrepreneurship or capacity building. If you are involved in such a
project then please get in touch with brief details on the technology you
use, how women are involved, and how it contributes to rural development in
ACP countries. We can then send an article outline and list of questions to
cover in the article, or organise a time for a telephone interview.

Also if you know interesting ICT applications for women in rural areas, or
background information, recently published reports, papers or other
documents, on the issue, please let us know. We want to distinguish new
trends, want to know if women have more access to ICTs compared with the
past and in relation to men, with what kind of ICTS they mostly work with,
and how ICTs can improve the empowerment, job possibilities, female
entrepreneurship etc. of women in rural areas in African, Caribbean and
Pacific countries.

We can then send an article outline and list of questions to cover in the
article, or organise a time for a telephone interview.

We also greatly appreciate the responses to our previous calls for
articles, and hope you will continue to support our efforts in forthcoming

For more information, send an email to: evert-jan at contactivity.com

ICT Update (http://ictupdate.cta.int) is a bimonthly printed bulletin, web
magazine, and accompanying e-mail newsletter focusing on the use of
information and communication technologies in agriculture in African,
Caribbean and Pacific countries. It is published in English and French, by
CTA (Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation) in Wageningen
in the Netherlands.

Evert-jan Quak
Editor ICT Update Chris Addison
Sr. Programme Coordinator,
Knowledge Management
Contactivity bv
Stationsweg 28
2312 AV Leiden
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)71 514 1166 Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural
Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA)
P.O. Box 380
6700 AJ Wageningen, The Netherlands
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