[liberationtech] Urgent question

Sam King samking at cs.stanford.edu
Mon Jun 4 21:12:10 PDT 2012

This is a public email list, so everything on it is public in some way.

Anyone in the world can sign up for the list, and any subscriber can view
the list archives (ie, this thread is at
 You can see the archives by choosing this list at mailman.stanford.edu and
logging in.  Or, people could use the link that you provided (which is
indexed on Google, I think, based on a phrase search for one of the emails
in that archive).  Or, even if there weren't archives, since this is a
public email list that anyone can sign up for, you should assume that
whatever malicious user you are worried about has an account on the list
and is getting every email that anyone sends to it and indexing it

At that point, any privacy you're getting is just security through

Sam King
Director | Code the Change <http://codethechange.org> - we have a Code Jam
for social good coming up!
Teacher | CS1U: Practical Unix <http://cs1u.stanford.edu> - videos and
exercises are available free online!
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On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 9:02 PM, Susanne Fischer <susannef at iwpr.net> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I just came across this "Mail archive" and am wondering: Is it possible
> that all the mails exchanged through this list can be publicly found on the
> Internet?
> http://www.mail-archive.com.ar/liberationtech@lists.stanford.edu/maillist.html
> --
> Best regards,
> Susanne Fischer
> Susanne Fischer
> Middle East Programme Manager
> susannef at iwpr.net
> mobile +961 70 211 219
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