[liberationtech] UEFI and who controls your computer? Fedora 18 Linux to be cryptographically signed by Microsoft.

Lee Fisher blibbet at gmail.com
Sun Jun 3 11:21:17 PDT 2012

 > The UEFI specification itself does not require that there be any
 > mechanism to disable this functionality.

But I believe the NIST mandate for BIOS-secured systems does have this 

An alterantive to UEFI is Linux-based CoreBoot. It's free, whereas all 
UEFI implementations are commercial. Ask you OEM to offer this as an 

In addition to Microsoft's upcoming Win8 devices, Apple has been locking 
down EFI-based hardware for a while. Mac Mini Server is EFI-based, and 
Apple has configured it's hardware to only permit Mac OS X Server as the 
only OS. So MSFT is conceding to unlock X86 boxes, but APPL doesn't yet 
concede this, AFAIK. I think MSFT is just emulating APPL, and copying 
how they used EFI to lock down their own hardware. :-(

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