[liberationtech] Invitation to Hangout with Ethan Zuckerman: Tuesday, June 5, 9-10am PDT

Jon Barilone jbarilone at hri.uci.edu
Fri Jun 1 16:23:40 PDT 2012

Hello, my name is Jon Barilone and I'm the Community Manager for the
Digital Media & Learning Research Hub (http://dmlcentral.net). As part
of a new webinar series to promote 'connected learning'
(http://connectedlearning.tv/what-is-connected-learning), we are
speaking with Ethan Zuckerman this coming Tuesday, June 5, from
9:00-10:00am PDT via a Google+ Hangout.

You can learn more about the webinar, entitled "Attention, Activism,
and Advocacy in a Digital Age," at http://bit.ly/MVEvvd. Please feel
free to check out our webinar series archive for examples of past
sessions: http://connectedlearning.tv/webinar-archive.

There is a limited number of spots in the Google+ Hangout, so we
recommend RSVPing early if you are interested. To RSVP, please email
me a brief description of yourself, your work, and why you wish to
join the Hangout. We will also field questions from our Livestream
Channel Chat (http://livestream.com/connectedlearningtv) and Twitter
(#connectedlearning) if you and/or others would like to converse in
real-time with those in the Hangout.

Thank you very much for your consideration and I hope to hear from you soon,
Jon Barilone
jbarilone at hri.uci.edu

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