[liberationtech] Independent UK Critic of NBC has Twitter account suspended after network complains

Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb ei8fdb at ei8fdb.org
Tue Jul 31 01:39:25 PDT 2012

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(Slightly devil's advocate/contrarian POV)

Interesting story, and Adams probably has a case but it never ceases to amaze me when people disconnect their "real world" brains from their "Internet" brains.

I would be the first person to complain if someone's free-speech was taken away, however, if Adams has said anything defamatory in his Twitter stream, then he is still bound by "real world" laws.

Just because I say something defamatory or libellous about person X on the Internet, doesn't mean that *IF* it's found that a "real-world" legal process cannot be executed.

Most people using the Internet may not understand that, but I would have expected journalists to understand it.

Is it illegal to suspend someones services for naming an executive of a media company for doing XYZ in the USA? I have no idea.

If it is illegal, then people need to speak out against a ridiculously brain-dead law. 

If it is not illegal, people need to complain to Twitter for freedom of speech. Twitter need to rewind their equally brain-dead actions and apologise to the guy.

Now, if he has said nothing "illegal" on Twitter, then IMHO, fire up the legal drones Guy. This I unfortunately have direct experience of. At this point it becomes (certainly in parts of Europe) a case of "who's got the bigger legal team".

(My reasoning comes from Bruce Schneier's argument on laws specific to "cybercrimes". To paraphrase "Prosecution can be difficult in cyberspace. On one hand the crimes are the same.....The laws against certain practices, complete with criminal justice infrastructure to enforce them, are already in place....Fraud is fraud, whether it takes place over the US mail or the Internet.")

On 31 Jul 2012, at 00:17, David Johnson wrote:

> http://sports.yahoo.com/news/olympics--critic-of-nbc-has-twitter-account-suspended-after-network-complains.html
> -- 
> David V. Johnson
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> Boston Review
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Bernard / bluboxthief / ei8fdb

IO91XM / www.ei8fdb.org

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