[liberationtech] Finfisher Spy Kit Revealed in Bahrain

Andre Rebentisch tabesin at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 14:54:33 PDT 2012

Am 27.07.2012 12:58, schrieb Erich M.:
> Here is my take [German alas] on that matter including the reaction of 
> the Social Democrat fraction in Europarl. MEP Leichtfried from .AT has 
> been the rapporteur and the guy who managed to introduce surveillance 
> software into the catalogue of "dual use" goods. 

Software is a service, not a good. Without discouraging the efforts: 
While it may undermine the commercial base it won't help to stop the 
spread of these tools.
The Service aspect frames it more into commercial assistence of foreign 
espionage, here foreign domestic espionage. "Services" imply that the 
export nations do not develop the capabilities themselves and allows for 
all kind of trojan horses ("export versions") and contacts, from which 
you could assess the current capabilities of the regime.

Ironic: During the 90ths we voiced strong opinions against crypto export 
regulations, now virtually the same community seeks export controls for 
surveillance technology.

The common denominator of my campaigning on the EU level is reduction of 
legal risks for software development. We both know that even 
general-purpose equipment and operating systems could be "dual use". 
It's tricky from a regulatory perspective, but the cases are 
crystal-clear. An applicable line is to put citizens and export nations 
on equal footing. Tools where use is unlawful for citizens under our 
jurisdiction should also be controlled for service export to external 

--- A

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