[liberationtech] Access is hiring!

Jochai Ben-Avie jochai at accessnow.org
Thu Jul 26 16:13:58 PDT 2012

Hi All,

Access announced today a job opening for an ITU Advocacy Coordinator. The
details are pasted below and here:

Any help in passing the word on to people who may be interested would be
greatly appreciated!


P.S. Apologies for cross-posting.


Jochai Ben-Avie
Policy Director
Access | AccessNow.org
P: +1-347-806-9531 | S: jochaiben-avie | PGP: 0x9E6D805F

*Title*: Policy Analyst
*Organization*: Access
*Location*: Applicants from around the world will be considered
*Application deadline*: ASAP (rolling applications will be accepted until
the position is filled)
*Compensation*: Based on previous experience and salary history


Access (AccessNow.org) is an international NGO that promotes open and
secure access to the internet as a means to the realization of human rights
and free, full, and safe participation in society. Founded in the wake of
the 2009 Iranian post-election crackdown, Access teams with digital
activists and civil society groups internationally to build their technical
capacity and to help them advocate globally for their digital rights.
Access provides thought leadership and practical policy recommendations in
the broader field of internet freedom, and based on that expertise
mobilizes its global movement of citizens to campaign for an open internet
accessible to all.


Access is in search of a policy analyst to coordinate the organization’s
advocacy at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in the lead up
to the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT). This
position will work closely with the broad range of international digital
rights groups already engaging in advocacy in this area and will support
this worldwide movement. Initially, this will be a short-term position
lasting five months. Following this initial contract, Access will assess
the ongoing need for this position, with the possibility of an extension of
the period of employment. The primary responsibilities of this position

• Mapping and supporting international digital rights groups to engage in
grassroots actions.

• Analyzing the WCIT process and preparatory documents (in plain language),
including writing short policy briefs on particularly dangerous proposals.

• Developing educational materials and other useful documents such as "How
to have a genuine public consultation on ITU with your government."

• Coordinating and assisting in the execution of ITU-related campaign arm
activities, focusing on national level awareness-raising actions, similar
to what Access did in its first ITU transparency campaign (

• Participating in civil society strategy sessions, convening as necessary,
in addition to representing Access at national consultations where

• Preparing briefing materials for Access’ staff around the world to enable
them to more efficaciously engage civil society groups, corporations, and
national governments around this issue.

• Liaise with the media and act as an organizational spokesperson as


• 1-3 years experience or a relevant graduate degree.

• Relevant work experience in the areas of internet freedom, internet
governance, human rights, political communication, internet engineering,
and/or new technologies, with increasing levels of responsibility.
Familiarity with the ITU and the WCIT process is required.

• Experience working in a grass-roots organization with member activists.

• Fluency in English is required and knowledge of an additional language
and/or a technical background is a plus.

• Proven ability to organize and facilitate events, workshops, and small

• Proven ability to produce well-written policy briefs and media relations
and public education materials.


To apply, please write to jobs at accessnow.org with “ITU Advocacy Coordinator
– [Your Name]” as the subject line and submit the following, saved as one
PDF or .doc document:

-Cover letter expressing your interest in the position and why you are the
best candidate for it


-Two references
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