[liberationtech] CFP: Is it working? Evaluating & assessing broadband policy
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Tue Jul 17 14:43:49 PDT 2012
From: Lassana Magassa <lmagassa at u.washington.edu>
Call for Paper Proposals *(extended to July 25, 2012)*
Is it working? Evaluating and assessing broadband policy****
A by-invitation experts’ workshop****
New America Foundation****
September 19-21, 2012****
With broadband becoming the central means for providing information
services in the 21st century, policymakers struggle with choosing the best
model to ensure universal access, adoption and usage. Broadband policy
choices range from massive government investment to total deregulation and
everything in between including various combinations of regulatory regimes,
limited government investment and public-private partnerships. Debates
regarding the right path to follow often tend to reflect ideological
convictions or stakeholder interests. It is thus requisite to provide
analytic scholarly input into the debate, delivered through the evaluation
and assessment of broadband deployment policies that have been adopted in
recent years.****
The Institute for Information Policy at Penn State University and the New
America Foundation are pleased to announce this call for paper proposals
discussing the assessment and evaluation of broadband policies and their
implementation. Proposals based on new research data and analysis are
especially welcome.****
Authors of the selected papers will be invited to present and discuss them
during a three day by-invitation-only experts workshop designed to bring
together up to a dozen American and international experts to be held at the
New America Foundation in Washington, DC between September 19 - 21, 2012.
This workshop is part of a series of events focused on “Making Policy
Research Accessible,” organized by the IIP, with the support of the Ford
Foundation and the Media Democracy Fund. For programs of previous workshops
see: https://blogs.comm.psu.edu/iip/?page_id=24). Presenters at the
workshop will be invited to submit their completed papers for review by the
Journal of Information Policy(www.jip-online.org ). ****
Topics of papers may include, but are not limited to issues such as: ****
- Methodologies for the assessment of broadband projects ****
- Case studies of assessment of broadband policy implementation****
- Assessment and evaluation of specific BTOP projects and of the BTOP
process ** **
- Assessment and evaluation of state-level broadband policy
implementations ****
- Case studies of other public and private broadband initiatives ****
- Theory of policy evaluation and its application to broadband ****
- The opportunity costs of delayed reforms and regulations ****
- Impacts of the rate of progress of broadband policy ****
- Comparative studies of broadband policies and their implementation ****
- Proposals for a meaningful set of metrics for broadband evaluation****
- Identification of a uniform set of indicators for successful broadband
policies ** **
- Evaluation of broadband training and capacity-building programs and
activities ** **
- Evaluation of broadband programs for historically unserved or
underserved communities ****
- Assessment of broadband initiatives directed at community and civil
society institutions ****
Abstracts of up to 500 words and a short bio of the author(s) should be
submitted to pennstateiip at psu.edu by July 25, 2012. Please write
IIPNAFIIWWS: YOUR NAME in the subject line. Accepted presenters will be
notified by July 31, 2012.
-- ****
Lassana Magassa
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