[liberationtech] CRS on "China, Internet Freedom, and U.S. Policy"

Gregory Foster gfoster at entersection.org
Mon Jul 16 19:56:51 PDT 2012

Congressional Research Service (Jul 13) - "China, Internet Freedom, and 
U.S. Policy":

 From the Summary:

/Since 2006, congressional committees and commissions have held nine 
hearings on Internet freedom and related issues, with a large emphasis 
on China. In response to criticism, in 2008, Yahoo!, Microsoft, Google, 
and other parties founded the Global Network Initiative, a set of 
guidelines that promotes awareness, due diligence, and transparency 
regarding the activities of ICT companies and their impacts on human 
rights, particularly in countries where governments frequently violate 
the rights of Internet users to freedom of expression and privacy. In 
the 112th Congress, the Global Online Freedom Act (H.R. 3605) would 
require U.S. companies to disclose any censorship or surveillance 
technology that they provide to Internet-restricting countries. It also 
would bar U.S. companies from selling technology that could be used for 
the purposes of censorship or surveillance in such countries./

HT @saftergood <http://twitter.com/saftergood> at Secrecy News 

Gregory Foster || gfoster at entersection.org
@gregoryfoster <> http://entersection.com/

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