[liberationtech] Open Secure Telephony Network (OSTN)
Mark Belinsky
mark.belinsky at gmail.com
Sun Jul 15 10:18:36 PDT 2012
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If you're at HOPE today, I'll be presenting OSTN with Lee at 17:00.
Happy to answer any questions there.
Anyone else can sign up for the Beta:
You can also install the Android app or the supported apps on
Blackberry, iOS, Nokia, Linux, Mac & PC, though the wiki details issues
on those platforms.
You can also create your own OSTN instance. Ours is named Ostel, you can
name yours, say, liberationtech. Instructions on that and installing
your own Freeswitch server:
All the best,
- -- @mbelinsky | 4hours.wordpress.com | phone: +1-347-466-9327 | skype:
On 7/15/12 9:52 AM, Nathan of Guardian wrote:
> On 07/15/2012 09:44 AM, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
>>> Again: Is the source public? Have there been reviews/audits? Jake? :)
> We've recently put up two posts as part of our overall efforts to
> self-audit in a very public, transparent manner:
> "A Network Analysis of Encrypted Voice over OSTN"
> https://guardianproject.info/2012/07/05/a-network-analysis-of-encrypted-voice-over-ostn/
> "Threats and Usability of Secure Voice"
> https://guardianproject.info/2012/07/10/threats-and-usability-of-secure-voice/
> You can also find the project wiki here, which includes all the research
> we did into the various clients, servers, services, etc:
> https://guardianproject.info/wiki/OSTN
> As for source code, you can find everything here:
> https://github.com/guardianproject/OSTel
> Our full project tracker is also here, if you want to report bugs,
> comment on features, or otherwise get involved:
> https://dev.guardianproject.info/projects/ostn/roadmap
> It must be noted that OSTN is more an exercise in integration,
> configuration and tuning, than outright software development from
> scratch. All the pieces existed already to put the stack together
> (CSipSimple for Android, and Freeswitch server), but they just needed a
> bit more work on ensuring they worked together in a simple manner.
> So in summary, eff ya there are audits, notes, code, reports, and
> basically whatever else we can manage to put out there, in order to
> build trust with our users and supporters.
> +n
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