[liberationtech] Open Secure Telephony Network (OSTN)

ilf ilf at zeromail.org
Sat Jul 14 13:24:22 PDT 2012

Found this in HOPE 9 schedule:


This service is a public testbed of the Open Secure Telephony Network 
(OSTN) project, with the goal of promoting the use of free, open 
protocols, standards and software, to power end-to-end secure voice 
communications on mobile devices, as well as with desktop computers. 
This service is in public beta. Calls placed throug the system are 
encrypted and authenticated between peers. It is continually being 
tested and improved to ensure the best possible security. Logging is 
minimal and work is being done to ensure no unecessary IP addresses are 
stored on disk.

Again: Is the source public? Have there been reviews/audits? Jake? :)


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