[liberationtech] Hacking Humanitarian Technology Before the Bad Guys Do

George Chamales george at roguegenius.com
Fri Jul 13 15:24:44 PDT 2012

Afternoon folks - I'm leading the security testing at the event.

As part of the process we'll be building an Openbox VM containing a dev
version of OpenStreetMap, Ushahidi, and one or two other open source
products.  That VM will be released early next month along with a primer on
each technology, suggestions on what to test, and who to notify if you find

I'll post another note to the list once the VM's ready to download.


George Chamales
Rogue Genius LLC
Phone:  718.288.7718

On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Giuseppe Calamita <
giuseppe.calamita at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Hello,****
> ** **
> it would be GREAT J if the event organizers could provide some sort of
> web involvement; as regard the point 3) of the event.****
> ** **
> Thank you.****
> ** **
> *Giuseppe Calamita**
> **Bari, ITALY.*
> * ** ***
> Tel: (+39) 333-6195143****
> [image: Description: Skype]*calamita_g* ****
>   [image: Description: Description: Description: Twitter]<http://www.twitter.com/cypherinfo>
>  [image: Description: Description: Description: LinkedIn]<http://it.linkedin.com/pub/giuseppe-calamita/7/216/288>
>   <http://linkem.crowdmap.com/>****
> ** **
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