[liberationtech] Information on computer pioneer and peace activist Edmund C. Berkeley requested

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Sat Jul 7 10:59:19 PDT 2012

If any of you knew Edmund Berkeley or have any knowledge along these lines please send your thoughts along to Bernadette (blongo at umn.edu). Her query is below...


-- Doug

> Hello Doug Schuler,
> I am writing a biography of computer pioneer and peace activist Edmund C. Berkeley (1909-1988) and wonder if you knew him or know of him. Ed Berkeley was the editor and publisher of Computers and Automation in the 1950s through 1970s and was a founder of the ACM. In those capacities, he was very vocal and active about the social responsibilities of computer people. Did his work have any impact on your own activities with Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility?
> Thanks for considering these questions. With best wishes...Bernadette Longo
> -- 
> Bernadette Longo, Ph.D. 
> will be moving to the Department of Humanities
> at New Jersey Institute of Technology
> in Fall 2012
> MS in Professional and Technical Communication

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org

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