[liberationtech] With or Without Marx? With or Without Capitalism? A Rejoinder to Adam Arvidsson and Eleanor Colleoni.

christian.fuchs at uti.at christian.fuchs at uti.at
Wed Jul 4 02:00:14 PDT 2012

Fuchs, Christian. 2012. With or without Marx? With or without capitalism? A rejoinder to Adam Arvidsson and Eleanor Colleoni. tripleC - Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society 10 (2): 633-645.


This paper is a rejoinder to an article by Adam Arvidsson and Eleanor Colleoni:
Arvidsson, Adam and Eleanor Colleoni. 2012. Value in informational capitalism and on the Internet. The Information Society 28 (3): 135-150.

Arvidsson and Colleoni’s paper is a criticism of and reaction to one of my own articles:
Fuchs, Christian. 2010. Labor in informational capitalism and on the Internet. The Information Society 26 (3): 179-196.

The 3 debate articles are contributions to the "digital labour debate", specifically to the question if Karl Marx's theory is useful in this context (Fuchs) or shall be discarded (Arvidsson, Colleono).

My comments focus on 6 aspects of discussion:
1) Misunderstandings of Marx
2) Autonomous Marxism
3) Corporate social media and the law of value
4) Capital accumulation on social media
5) Finance capital and social media
6) Politics, alternatives, and social transformation

Christian Fuchs
Chair in Media and Communication StudiesDepartment of Informatics and Media
Uppsala University
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
Box 513
751 20 Uppsala
christian.fuchs at im.uu.se
Tel +46 (0) 18 471 1019
NetPolitics Blog: http://fuchs.uti.at/blog
Editor of tripleC: http://www.triple-c.se
Chair of ESA RN18-Sociology of Communications and Media Research
ICTs and Society Network: http://www.icts-and-society.net

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