[liberationtech] Fwd: Feedback from african smartphones

Alex Comninos alex.comninos at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 09:36:16 PDT 2012


Im not sure what you mean by "Feedback". But here are some thoughts.
Perhaps if you narrow your question I can give you some more infos

http://www.researchictafrica.net/ has lots of research on ICT (and
phone) access in Africa (not so much smartphones though).

there may be some devs at iHub Kenya - http://ihub.co.ke/ and
http://ilabliberia.org that could help you out with some info.

As far as smartphones go despite tales of a mobile telephony
revolution in Africa, smartphones are still out of many people's
reach, the lowest common denominator for internet enabled phones
remain Nokia feature phones.

This phone, last year was the closest to a "bottom of the pyramid"
phone in africa, the Huawei u8150, I bought mine for 90$ in Kenya last
year and it has given me endless joy.
http://www.gsmworld.biz/huawei_u8150_ideos.html  this guy has blogged
about the phone, including how to root it. Perhaps he may help you out

Some good (South African) forums that may cover phones are

check also http://Mobileactive.org (although not an African site).

http://www.mxit.com/index.html is a very successful multi-platform
chat app, made in Africa (South Africa)

I hope this may have been helpful

Kind regards,
Alex Comninos

On 2 July 2012 18:18, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu> wrote:
> From: Obianuju Ugwu-Oju <ougwuoju at stanford.edu>
> Hey fam,
> If you have had experience working or living in Africa (and  even if you
> haven't), what would you suggest is a good way to collect feedback and
> review forms from phones and smartphones in Africa?
> Have you ever heard of doForms?
> Thanks for any responses,
> Uju
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