[liberationtech] Prague-based ROMEA website needs security assistance

gilhad gilhad at seznam.cz
Mon Jan 30 01:38:32 PST 2012

Dear sirs.
   Just for your information ROMEA is ultra-extreme gypsy organisation. 
While it takes money from goverment (18.000.000 Kc) and from European 
fonds (8.000.000 Kc) just for informing about gyspies minority in CR (at 
last year cenzus there was 13.150 people declaring themself as gypsies 
or gypsy/other nation), it only spread highly mis-interpreted opinions 
of its leaders.

For example: In Tanvald, there was senior attacked by three gypsy boys 
armed with knifes. He was pushed to ground, beaten, harmed on head with 
knife, so he desided to defend his life with legally owned weapon. Then 
he called police and was found as fully innoncent and safely inside 
legal self-defence. ROMEA this reported as rasistic hate-crime from the 
victim, regardless they had access to official material stating in the 
direct opposite.

So I leave on your discretion, if you want help for free such 
organisation, which is generously funded and spread rasistic lies.
Zdraví Gilhad <gilhad at seznam.cz>

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