[liberationtech] Prague-based ROMEA website needs security assistance

Gwendolyn Albert gwendolyn.albert at gmail.com
Sun Jan 29 14:03:46 PST 2012


The ROMEA website <http://www.romea.cz/english/> has been repeatedly hacked
during the past week with DDoS attacks and with posts of fake articles and
vandalism of existing articles. The website runs a news server, Romea.cz,
that publishes original reporting in Czech and English about the Romani
minority in the Czech Republic as well as news pertaining to issues of
discrimination worldwide. The website has been instrumental in breaking
several important stories regarding the ongoing violence perpetrated
against members of the Romani minority by ultra-right extremists in the
Czech Republic. It is suspected that such persons are behind the current

The managers of the website understand that it is vulnerable as currently
designed. They are in urgent need of the assistance of web experts who
could help them transfer the site into a safer system.

If you know of any reliable IT people who would be able to assist with this
pro bono, please contact me. My understanding is that ROMEA currently does
not have the resources to hire someone to do this work.

Thanks in advance for your assistance,

Gwendolyn Albert
gwendolyn.albert at gmail.com


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