[liberationtech] Fwd: Public Service Technology Education Startup - Quoria Foundation info session at Haas 1/30

Sam King samking at cs.stanford.edu
Fri Jan 27 18:20:47 PST 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jim Murray <jim.murray at stanford.edu>
Date: Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 4:04 PM
Subject: Public Service Technology Education Startup - Quoria Foundation
info session at Haas 1/30
To: samking at cs.stanford.edu
Cc: Jaclyn Le <jacle at stanford.edu>

Hi Sam,

Can you forward to your email lists....  thank you and have a great

*Interested in technology, education and international public service?
 Want to be a Global Ambassador with the Quoria Foundation?*
*Quoria Foundation:  http://www.quoria.org*
SPIN Partner Organization - recruiting for Global Ambassador positions
Info Session:  Monday, January 30th, 12pm-1:15pm (lunch provided)
Haas Center for Public Service, Room 212
RSVP:   https://www.stanford.edu/dept/haas/inside/Quoria.fb

The CEO/founder of Quoria Foundation, an innovative Bay Area nonprofit
startup, will be speaking about its project, MATHinternational.com—slated
to be the world’s first massively multi-lingual math practice and
competition website.  A side component of the math site —though one of
primary importance—will feature content about students who have undertaken
work as change agents in their communities plus include examples of social
entrepreneurs of all ages and their projects around the world. Thus, the
site will act as a distribution tool for disseminating this information to
young people and their communities globally.

Quoria is seeking top graduates and young professionals for its full-time,
yearlong positions (with options to stay beyond one year) via the SPIN
postgrad fellowship. This highly focused and motivated entrepreneurial team
will develop and execute the plan to promote the website globally and
secure users—from the smallest village schools in underdeveloped countries
to the largest educational entities—each accessing the site in their own

Fellows and Residents are trained and supported by Quoria’s CEO,
Christopher Wright, and will report directly to him. There may be a
possibility of academic year internships and summer fellowships with
Quoria.  At this meeting, he will provide information on this opportunity
and answer questions.

Christopher Wright
Founder & CEO, Quoria Foundation
Creators of MATHinternational.com

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