[liberationtech] Right to be forgotten...

Paul Bernal (LAW) Paul.Bernal at uea.ac.uk
Thu Jan 26 09:44:50 PST 2012

I know the 'right to be forgotten' is very much of current interest - but as a 'European' with an interest in the area, I have to say I'm deeply unimpressed by the coverage it's got in the US media, even the technical and 'informed' bits of the media. It's really not the way it's portrayed.

I've written about it a few times: here's a two part blog I did for INFORRM's blog



…and here's an academic article I wrote: 'A right to delete?' on the subject.


I know these views don't fit well with current opinion in the US, but I think it's important that people understand why it's been pushed in Europe. We're not pushing it without any thought, or because we believe in censorship or rewriting history….

Anyway, that's my bit…



Paul Bernal
UEA Law School
University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park
Norwich NR4 7TJ

email: paul.bernal at uea.ac.uk
Web: http://www.paulbernal.co.uk/
Blog: http://symbioticweb.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @paulbernalUK

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