[liberationtech] ICTD2012 Call for Participation

Michael Best mikeb at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Jan 26 11:48:54 PST 2012

Over 100 papers, posters, demos, workshops, panels and keynote speeches announced for ICTD2012


Fifth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD2012)
Georgia Institute of Technology

March 12-15, 2012, Atlanta, Georgia USA

ICTD2012 is held in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI and ACM SIGCAS


ICTD is the world's premier conference examining the role of computers and communications in social, economic and political development. The conference will attract over 500 leading scholars and practitioners working at the intersections of information technologies and global development.

We have an exciting and dynamic program slated for the 4-day conference. On Monday, March 12th, and Thursday, March 15th, attendees will be able to choose from more than 50 Open Sessions (panels, workshops, and more) and 29 demos presented by practitioners and academic institutions from across the globe. In addition, joint with the co-located ACM DEV conference, David Kobia, Co-Founder and Director of Technology Development for Ushahidi, will give a keynote speech on Monday. On Tuesday, March 13th, and Wednesday, March 14th, ICTD 2012 will offer a slate of 38 peer-reviewed papers in plenary and poster presentation. We are also pleased to welcome the Honorable Omobola Johnson, Minister of Communication and Technology, Federal Republic of Nigeria as keynote speaker on Tuesday.

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