[liberationtech] Auto expiring document/files & 'rights to be forgotten'

Griffin Boyce griffinboyce at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 10:40:26 PST 2012

  Not to mention that it's also possible to print the document and keep it
in perpetuity.

  DRM isn't too difficult to break in most cases, and if your
document/product is in
high demand, it's likely that a pirated copy will float around the net at
some point. Most
products have such a high number of sales that these factors balance out,
so to be
honest, I personally would not worry too much about it. Most people would
support the author.


On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Meredith L. Patterson
<clonearmy at gmail.com>wrote:

> No. How do you address the problem of a user who wants to read the
> document simply rolling back the date on their computer's clock?
> Expensive DRM is expensive because people who don't understand the
> underlying math but still want to do impossible things are willing to
> pay snake-oil vendors astronomical amounts of money for unfounded
> promises. Don't buy into the hype.
> --mlp
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Frank Corrigan
> <email at franciscorrigan.com> wrote:
> > Let's say the information was within a PDF, but the person(s) creating
> > it wanted it to expire at future date and be technically irrecoverable
> > say through encryption, irregardless of whether printed or memorised, is
> > it technically possible at little or no cost?
> >
> > Apologies if I come across as naive, it is being built upon the
> > widespread use of DRM, that currently is too prohibitive in cost terms.
> > I don't want to post details of available DRM software safe to say it
> > costs around $1000 per user or hundreds or $'s per month for server
> > based authentication services.
> >
> > Frank

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