[liberationtech] Research on illegal satellite receivers?

Martyn Williams martyn at stanford.edu
Fri Jan 20 18:51:25 PST 2012


Further to what Ben said, here's a column written by a former colleague
on the issue of illegal dishes in China:


And here's a piece on one of the crackdowns that includes some pictures
of ingeniously disguised dishes:


The only other country I can tell you about is North Korea, where there
is zero chance anyone would have an illegal dish.

Martyn Williams
2012 John S. Knight Journalism Fellow
Stanford University
Cell: 650-391-4868

On 01/20/2012 06:08 PM, Brian Conley wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm wondering if anyone knows of research into illegal satellite dishes,
> particularly where there is a state broadcaster and other services are
> tightly controlled or outright illegal. I'm doing some research into the
> feasibility of broadcasting satellite news into such countries, but
> wondering how practical it really is to expect locals to modify dishes or
> purchase illegal decoders.
> Thanks as always!
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